Barakah | Website Web Design E-Commerce Developer in german Quality Sat, 01 Jan 2022 12:03:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Barakah | 32 32 Travel Agency Website Designing Tue, 10 Dec 2019 18:47:10 +0000 No matter if you’re a travel agency or a tour operator, digital marketing is proven to be very effective. Digital marketing is the most inexpensive way to reach your target market, regardless of the size of your business. The website is a crucial starting point. Every travel agency and tour operator should have a website. And not just any website,...

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Why do you need a Good Travel Agency Website Designing?

Many Travel agencies have websites that do them a disservice.

Travel Agency websites need three key things:

good design + compelling content + easy to update

We urge to every travel agency to rethink their approach to their websites and we offer practical tips for making agents websites work for them and for their clients. A travel agency website is critical – its an agency face to the world – and should be a profitable investment even for the smallest agency.

A travel agency website is critical – its an agency face to the world – and should be a profitable investment even for the smallest agency.

Ten years ago, clients walked into brick-and-mortar agencies – today, they primarily get on the Internet, either with their computers or their mobile devices. While the Internet is now filled with travel deals and booking engines, we believe that there’ll always be a market segment of clients who want personalized service and expert guidance.

Unfortunately, many travel agencies’s websites are not well positioned for what consumers want or need to see. Their websites are simply unattractive, unappealing, and do not convey a sense of confidence that the agents are true experts who can add value beyond what consumers can book themselves.

The key goals of a travel agency's website is to Build your brand:

The messages and images on the site should clearly position what the travel agency business is about, and what differentiates you.

Convey expertise in the destinations, activities, or special interests you sell. This comes from presenting good content about your areas of expertise.

Barakah Webmaster provides creative and cutting-edge Travel Website Designing solutions for small, medium, and large Tour and Travel agency Company. We have a position in designing and developing high-end travel agency websites that are unique and original and gives tough competition to online competitors.

Travel agency websites are a comprehensive & powerful tool to make your online presence impactful on today’s digital landscape.

Our dedicated travel agency website designers offer complete solutions to empower online travel agencies, hotels, vacation package sites, flight & car booking portals and more. The finest travel website design will always be simple, yet effective. The goal here is to attract the user in and make them feel like they can trust on your website for their next trip.

You can look at some good examples of travel agency website designs by the Barakah Webmaster.

You can get inspiration from it!

Additionally, a lot of similar examples can be found all over the internet, so you have no excuse for creating a custom travel agency website that will not stand out. We extend your travel business with a number of tools that help you manage and support your ongoing activities.


Barakah Webmaster, the best travel agency website designing organization attempts to create portals that are user-friendly, easy to navigate, is innovative and interactive in order to fulfill client needs.

– Enabling hotel booking,
– air ticket booking,
– bus booking,
– vacation packages,
– car booking (rentals/hire),
– user login system, admin control panel,
– payment gateway integration and
– SMS gateway incorporation,
– continue to remain the key highlights of travel portals created by us.

The admin control panel also gives a secure admin login facility so that the admin can view details like booking reports, quotation reports, log in details, manage the dashboard and also generate vouchers for the clients.

In designing your site, we prioritize three things making it user-friendly, look fantastic, and be easy for you to maintain. As well, we focus on making the overall design match the theme and tone of the travel experience.

A well-organized travel agency website designing invites more than passing interest and avoids a quick exit.

We provide you with all the features to create a credible and secure booking experience for your clients. Integrated payment gateways, customer reviews, secure payment channels, intuitive navigation, and seamless checkout – we’ve got it all.

Various features such as engaging tours & travel photography, easy calendar booking system, and beautiful layouts, menus, & icons, etc. The company has comprehensive experience of developing classy web-based as well as mobile-based solutions for prominent hotels, restaurants, airlines, travel intermediaries, travel management agencies, etc.

Request your website now!

We created your tourism website, in record time!

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Travel Agency: Go online with an amazing Website (Digital Marketing Part 1) Mon, 09 Dec 2019 18:12:44 +0000 No matter if you’re a travel agency or a tour operator, digital marketing is proven to be very effective. Digital marketing is the most inexpensive way to reach your target market, regardless of the size of your business. The website is a crucial starting point. Every travel agency and tour operator should have a website. And not just any website,...

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No matter if you’re a travel agency or a tour operator, digital marketing is proven to be very effective. Digital marketing is the most inexpensive way to reach your target market, regardless of the size of your business.

Travel Agency Website

The website is a crucial starting point. Every travel agency and tour operator should have a website. And not just any website, but one that amazes the customer and entices to book a travel or tour.

According to a recent industry report and trend forecast from Destination Hotels, 72% of planners receive most of their information about a potential venue from travel agency websites.

People spend a lot of time on tourism websites because it requires a lot of time to decide upon destination, budget, nature of the activities, documentation on political and economic issues of the destination country, the required documents and much more other factors.

That’s why a website carries so much value. In addition, your website should contain information about your business, your travel license and adwards, your team, and your contact information to confirm the trustworthiness of your agency.

Because we are talking about the travel industry, it’s important to have visually attractive photos and high-quality images that are optimized and loaded quickly. Below is an example of a travel agency website. You can see the eye-catching image with just the right sized piece of content; only the essentials.

Example Travel agency website design
Professionell Travel agency website design

More and more users are expanding their online experience on mobile devices. Your website needs to be mobile-friendly. In addition, the website should load quickly and be responsive. We are in 2020, so if you’re not responsive, you don’t exist.

In the picture you can see a professional website displayed to the mobile users.


Example Travel agency website design
High-quality Travel agency website design

Examples of website web design for travel agencies

Examples of website design for travel agencies.

Experts in creating the best tourism web designs, travel blog and holiday tours.

Request your website now!

Request your website now!

We created your tourism website, in record time!

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7 Gründe, warum dein Unternehmen eine gute Website benötigt Thu, 28 Nov 2019 20:09:01 +0000 Es ist das Jahr 2020. Die Leute verbringen fast 10 Stunden am Tag vor dem Bildschirm, aber einige Unternehmen haben immer noch keine eigenen Websites. Bei sozialen Medien benötigen einige Unternehmen möglicherweise keine eigenen Websites, dies ist jedoch einfach nicht der Fall.

Eine Website verschafft deinem Unternehmen einen Wettbewerbsvorteil, auch wenn die Konkurrenz bereits eine Website hat. Lese weiter, um herauszufinden, warum dein Unternehmen heute in eine professionelle Website investieren sollte.

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Es ist das Jahr 2020. Die Leute verbringen fast 10 Stunden am Tag vor dem Bildschirm, aber einige Unternehmen haben immer noch keine eigenen Websites. Wegen den Social Media denken einige Unternehmen, dass sie keine eigene Website benötigen, dies ist jedoch einfach nicht richtig.

Eine Website verschafft deinem Unternehmen einen Wettbewerbsvorteil, auch wenn die Konkurrenz bereits eine Website hat. Lese weiter, um herauszufinden, warum dein Unternehmen heute in eine professionelle Website investieren sollte.

1. Wer im Internet nicht zu finden ist, existiert nicht

Ob du ein regionales Geschäft mit einer Einzelhandelsfiliale betreibst oder deinen Kunden Dienstleistungen vor Ort anbietest; wenn deine Kunden und potenzielle Kunden dich im Internet nicht finden, dann existierst du einfach nicht. Auch als Zahnarzt mit einem soliden Kundenstamm profitierst du von einer Website.

Kunden und Interessenten informieren sich oft im Internet über Produkte und Dienstleistungen, die sie später “offline”, d. h. in deinem Geschäft kaufen. Studien zufolge tun dies über 80 % aller Online-Nutzer.

Über 80 % der Internetnutzer suchen und finden Produkte und Dienstleistungen über das Internet. Kaum ein Haushalt oder ein Büro ist heute nicht mit dem Internet verbunden. Somit sind auch große Teile Ihrer Zielgruppe sicherlich Internetnutzer.

Wenn jemand etwas kaufen will oder einen Dienstleister sucht, sucht er heute oft im Internet. Unternehmen, deren Websites bei Google angezeigt werden, verfügen über bessere Karten, um Kunden anzuziehen. Und wenn du keine professionelle Website hast, verlierst du möglicherweise Kunden an die Konkurrenz.

Darüber hinaus können zufriedene Kunden, Freunden und Bekannten einfach einen Link zur Homepage des Unternehmens schicken, wenn sie das Unternehmen weiterempfehlen wollen. Nutze deine Chance und mache online auf dich aufmerksam!

Eine Website macht Kunden auf dein Business aufmerksam.

Es ist daher wichtig, dass du von dieser großen Anzahl potenzieller Kunden gut gefunden wirst und schnell kontaktiert werden kannst. So generierst du Kunden für dein lokales Unternehmen, indem du dich entsprechend professionell und kompetent präsentierst.

2. Über eine Website ist dein Unternehmen jederzeit erreichbar

Werbekampagnen machen die Informationen und Botschaften eines Unternehmens nur kurzfristig einer breiten Öffentlichkeit zugänglich. Im Gegensatz zu einer Website: Einmal erstellt, ist sie immer verfügbar. Kunden können sich zum Beispiel rund um die Uhr informieren, wann ein Geschäft geöffnet ist, was es bietet oder wie es am besten zu erreichen ist.

Auch können Kunden uns über eine Website jederzeit Feedback und Fragen geben. Im Vergleich zu einem Telefon, bei dem ein Unternehmen nicht immer erreichbar ist.

3. Informationen leicht bereitstellen

Von der Firmengeschichte über Dienstleistungen bis hin zu Referenzen und Bildern: Unternehmen haben viel zu erzählen. Für Inserate, Radiospots oder Plakate ist der Platz jedoch begrenzt.

Websites werden immer wichtiger, um Informationen schnell an alle Verbraucher weiterzugeben.

Auf einer Website können Unternehmen jedoch alle Informationen zur Verfügung stellen, die ihnen wichtig sind. Insbesondere bei erklärungsbedürftigen Produkten oder Dienstleistungen bietet dies die Möglichkeit, alle Vorteile des Angebots ausführlich darzustellen. Das funktioniert zwar in dicken Hochglanzbroschüren oder -katalogen – aber die sind schnell veraltet und damit viel teurer.

4. Eine gute Website lässt dein Unternehmen modern aussehen

Für viele Kunden ist die Website der erste Kontaktpunkt mit einem Unternehmen. Wenn du einen guten ersten Eindruck hinterlassen willst, solltest du über eine gut gepflegte und aktuelle Online-Präsenz verfügen. Wenn ein Unternehmen keine oder eine völlig veraltete Website hat, kann dies den Kunden abschrecken.

5. Es ist eine Plattform, die du besitzt und kontrollierst

Das Schönste an einer eigenen Website ist, dass sie DIR GEHÖRT.

Es ist großartig, in sozialen Medien zu sein, aber wenn sich die Algorithmen ändern (schaue Instagram an), kann es frustrierend sein. Wenn du deine eigene Website hast, kannst du genau kontrollieren, welche Informationen da draußen sind und wann und wie diese Informationen den Benutzern angezeigt werden.

Wenn du deine eigene Website hast, bist du niemandem unterstellt – du triffst alle Entscheidungen. Du kannst sie auch so einzigartig oder standardisiert gestalten, wie du es wünschst.

6. Langfristig Geld sparen

Traditionelles Marketing ist im digitalen Zeitalter immer noch wichtig, aber bei der Entwicklung einer Website und einer Social-Media-Präsenz können Unternehmen die Kosten für traditionelles Marketing senken. Es kann eine anfängliche Startgebühr für die Gestaltung und Bereitstellung einer professionellen Website kosten, aber mit einer Website ist es auf lange Sicht einfacher, Werbung zu betreiben und zu betreiben.

Letztlich ist eine Homepage vor allem im Vergleich zu anderen Werbemitteln kostengünstig.

7. Vergrößere deine Reichweite

Eine Website zu haben bedeutet, dass du nicht darin eingeschränkt bist, wen du erreichen könntest.Selbst wenn du nur ein einziges Geschäft hast, können dich Hunderte von Menschen erreichen, die sonst nie gewusst hätten, dass dein Unternehmen existiert. Eine Website bietet deinem Unternehmen auch eine weitere Plattform für den Verkauf von Waren oder Dienstleistungen. In einer Welt, die sich manchmal groß und weit entfernt anfühlen kann, kann eine Website dein Unternehmen mit allen Ecken der Welt verbinden.

Möchtest du eine professionelle Website erstellen?

Wir können genau die Website erstellen, die Ihr Unternehmen benötigt, um auf die Karte zu gelangen.

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Wir sind Mitglied der Deutsch-Malaysischen Kammer Mon, 28 Oct 2019 20:19:27 +0000 Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass wir im September 2019 offiziell Mitglied der Deutsch-Malaysischen Industrie- und Handelskammer (AHK Malaysia) geworden sind. Die AHK vertritt insgesamt über 51.000 Mitgliedsunternehmen weltweit.

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We are pleased to inform you, that we have officially became a member of the Malaysian-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK Malaysia). AHK represents alltogether over 51,000 member companies worldwide.

Our membership in the Chamber of commerce gives us an opportunity to take part in the various conferences, courses and events organised by the AHK chamber. It is vital for us to build new business relations with members.

More on the Malaysian-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK Malaysia):

Barakah Webmaster Member of MGCC

The post Wir sind Mitglied der Deutsch-Malaysischen Kammer appeared first on Barakah |.

7 reasons why your business needs a good website Thu, 03 Oct 2019 01:42:16 +0000 It's the year 2019. People spend nearly 10 hours a day in front of the screen, but some companies do not have their own websites yet. With social media, some companies may not need their own websites, but this is simply not the case.

A website gives your company a competitive advantage, even if the competition already has a website. Read on to find out why your business should invest in a professional website today.

The post 7 reasons why your business needs a good website appeared first on Barakah |.


It’s the year 2022. People spend nearly 10 hours a day in front of the screen, but some companies do not have their own websites yet. With social media, some companies may not need their own websites, but this is simply not the case.

A website gives your company a competitive advantage, even if the competition already has a website. Read on to find out why your business should invest in a professional website today.

1. Who can not be found on the Internet, does not exist

Whether you run a regional business with a retail outlet or offer on-site services to your customers; If your customers and potential customers do not find you on the Internet, then you just do not exist. Even as a dentist with a solid customer base, you benefit from a website.

Customers and prospective customers often find out about products and services on the Internet, which they later buy “offline”, ie at your store. According to studies, over 80% of all online users do so.

Over 80% of Internet users search and find products and services over the Internet. Hardly any household or office is not connected to the Internet today. Thus, even large parts of your target group are certainly users of the Internet.

If someone wants to buy something or is looking for a service provider, today often searches on the Internet. Companies with websites displayed on Google have better maps to attract customers. And if you do not have a professional website, you may lose customers to the competition.

In addition, satisfied customers can simply send friends and acquaintances a link to the company’s homepage, if they want to recommend the company. Take your chance and attract attention online!

A website makes customers aware of your business.

It is therefore important that you are well found by this large number of potential customers and can be contacted quickly. So you generate customers for your local business by presenting yourself accordingly sympathetic and competent.

2. Via a website, your company is always available.

Advertising campaigns only make the information and messages of a company available to the general public at short notice. Unlike a website: once created, it is always available. For example, customers can find out around the clock, when a store is open, what it offers, or how it can best be achieved.

Also, customers can give us feedback and questions at any time through a website. Compared to a telephone, where a company is not always reachable.

3. Easily provide information.

From company history and services to references and images: companies have a lot to talk about. For advertisements, radio spots or posters, however, the space is limited.

Websites are increasingly important to get information out quickly to all consumers.

On a website, however, companies can provide all the information they care about. Especially in the case of products or services in need of explanation, this offers the opportunity to present all advantages of the offer in detail. Although this works in thick glossy brochures or catalogs – but they are quickly outdated and thus much more expensive.

4. Having a good website will make your business look modern.

For many customers is the first contact point with a enterprise. If you want to leave a good first impression, you should have a well-maintained and up-to-date online presence. If a company has no or a completely outdated website, it can scare off the customer.

5. It’s a platform you own and control.

The greatest thing about having your own website is that it’s YOURS.

It’s great to be on social media, but when algorithms change (I’m looking at you Instagram) it can be frustrating. When you have your own website, you get to control exactly what information is out there, and when and how that information is displayed to users.

When you have your own website, you’re not subject to anyone’s control — you make all the decisions. You can also make it as unique or standard as you’d like.

6. Save money in the long run.

Traditional marketing is still important in the digital age, but when developing a website and social media presence, organizations can cut down on traditional marketing costs. It might cost an initial start-up fee to design and deploy a professional website, but having a website makes it easier in the long run to promote and advertise.

In the end, a homepage is inexpensive especially in comparison with other advertising materials.

7. Grow your audience.

Having a website means you aren’t limited in who you reach. It’s the World-Wide Web for a reason. Even if you’ve only got one brick-and-mortar shop, you can reach hundreds of people who never would have otherwise known that your business existed. Having a website also provides your business with another platform to sell goods or services. In a world that can feel large and distant sometimes, a website can connect your business with all the corners of the globe.

Are you looking to build a professional website?

We can create exactly the website your business needs to get on the map.

The post 7 reasons why your business needs a good website appeared first on Barakah |.

We are member of Malaysian-German Chamber Mon, 30 Sep 2019 06:59:28 +0000 We are pleased to inform you, that in September we have officially became a member of the Malaysian-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK Malaysia). AHK represents alltogether over 51,000 member companies worldwide.

The post We are member of Malaysian-German Chamber appeared first on Barakah |.


We are pleased to inform you, that we have officially became a member of the Malaysian-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK Malaysia). AHK represents alltogether over 51,000 member companies worldwide.

Our membership in the Chamber of commerce gives us an opportunity to take part in the various conferences, courses and events organised by the AHK chamber. It is vital for us to build new business relations with members.

More on the Malaysian-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK Malaysia):

Barakah Webmaster Member of MGCC

The post We are member of Malaysian-German Chamber appeared first on Barakah |.
